What does giving back with travel mean?

Nov 2, 2021 | Traveler’s Q

What does giving back with travel mean?

What does giving back with travel mean?

What Does Giving Back With Travel Mean?

We are all familiar with the concept of philanthropy and giving back to our community or groups we associate ourselves with, but have you ever thought about giving back when you travel? This was once a trendy concept, but it’s becoming much more mainstream. Keep reading to learn what it means to give back with travel and how you can get involved.
What does giving back with travel mean?

We are all familiar with the concept of philanthropy and giving back to our community or groups we associate ourselves with, but have you ever thought about giving back when you travel? This was once a trendy concept, but it’s becoming much more mainstream. Keep reading to learn what it means to give back with travel and how you can get involved.Giving back with travel doesn’t mean you or your employees have to spend your whole trip volunteering your time or helping others. It simply means that you make a conscious decision to help support the community you are visiting.This can be done by shopping and eating at the local restaurants to help boost the local economy, spending an hour or two on a local beach helping with cleanup, or at a school volunteering with children. Giving back while you travel is the idea that you are making a positive impact on the destination you are visiting.Giving back with travel is a great way for you and your company to help reach communities you wouldn’t typically be able to support through normal volunteer efforts. If your employees are routinely traveling to less-desirable destinations with impoverished populations, then encouraging them to give back while they travel is a great way to help boost their philanthropic reach. You could even set up a corporate travel program that encourages each of your employees to give back while they are traveling.

The idea of giving back with travel isn’t new, but it is becoming a more popular concept and one that we should all be on board with. For ideas on how you can incorporate giving back with travel into your next corporate trip, contact us.
